Pupil Personnel Services

Pupil Personnel Services: Pupil Personnel Services are those special services and accommodations that are provided through a school district, which have as their purpose the adaption of education to the needs, interests and abilities of an individual as they adjust to themselves and to school.

-Frank G. Davis

The Pupil Personnel Services Office supports The Burrillville School District's Staff and Students.

2300 Bronco Highway

Harrisville, RI 02830

Our office contacts:

Phone: 401-568-1301 

Dr. David Alba

Director of Special Education


E-mail:  albad@bsd-ri.net

Mrs. Karie Hebert

Pupil Personnel Services 

Executive Assistant 

E-mail: hebertk@bsd-ri.net

Phone: 401-568-1301 *1113

For more information click on the links below.