Mental Health Services

If you, your child, or someone else in your family is looking for support around mental health during this time, the resources below are all available to you.   The district student services team has contacted each one to be sure they are currently functioning and providing continuing care.   Most are engaging in some type of "tele-health" at this point, which may include either phone conferencing or video conferencing to provide these supports. 

The resources below include:

If you need additional information, reach out to your building's guidance counselor, school psychologist,  school social worker or student assistance counselor!   Their contact information is in the chart at the bottom of this page for your convenience.

The Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) also has an excellent page of Mental Health Resources in response to COVID 19.  Click here to access.

Youth Mental Health and an Overview of Social-Emotional Supports

On 3/16/22 the BSEAC met on the topic of Youth Mental Health and an Overview of Social-Emotional Supports in the Burrillville School District.  Kim Pristawa and Laura Dittrich (two of our district's School Psychologists) presented information on children and adolescents' mental health and provided an overview of how the Burrillville School Department addresses mental health concerns as well as what supports/interventions are available in the schools.  

Here is a link to their presentation:
District Mental Health Overview - Presentation from 2022.03.16 

Mental Health Crisis/Emergency Resources

2020 Mental Health Crisis/Emergency Resources during COVID-19 Virtual Learning

Local Counseling Resources

2020 Local Counseling Resources available during COVID-19 Pandemic

District Student Services Support Team

District Student Services Support Team

Mental Health Services Documents