Finance Office

Welcome to the Burrillville School Department’s Finance Office. 

This website has been developed to inform you of the services we provide regarding policies, procedures and financial information. 

The Burrillville School Department Business Office manages the School District Finances, Human Resources, and Grant Management.  The Business Office staff consists of a Finance Director, a Human Resource Specialist, and a Financial Assistant. 

At the Burrillville School Department’s Business Office, our mission is to excel as stewards of fiscal responsibility, financial integrity, and transparency by providing accurate and timely financial reporting that ensures effective management of resources.   Our commitment is rooted in the belief that sound financial practices are essential to supporting the academic mission of the Burrillville School Department.  Through our commitment, we aim to contribute to the educational excellence and future success of every student in our community.    

The Business Office strives to meet the needs of our community members by being accessible and providing friendly service. 

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the Burrillville School Department Business Operations, Finances or Human Resources, please contact us using the information below:

Burrillville School Department Business Office

2300 Bronco Highway

Harrisville, RI  02830

Phone:  (401) 568-1301

Robin Kimatian

Finance Director

401-568-1301 x1109

Lisa DiMartino

Human Resources

401-568-1301 x1110

Nora Raymond

Financial Assistant

401-568-1301 x1108

Finance Office Documents