Grade 5 Music

Welcome to Grade 5 Music Curriculum

Here you can find the resources for Grade 5 Music Curriculum, arranged by trimester and unit.  Expand the trimester to reveal what your student will be working on.

Trimester 1

Dotted eighth-sixteenth/ sixteenth-dotted eighth, three barred-eighths & quarter-eighth  & eighth-quarter in 6/8, and eighth note triplets

Meter in five, meter in seven, and mixed meter 

Patterns of pitch pentatonic and/or diatonic major and minor patterns using solfege and/or absolute pitch letter names

Singing a varied repertoire including two and three part arrangements with musical accuracy

Playing classroom instruments, pitched percussion and non-pitched percussion instruments

Trimester 2

Identifying instruments from a variety of cultures both visually and aurally

Describe the social, religious, and/or celebratory functions of a variety of musical form from various cultures and/or time periods. 

Finding the connections between musical content and other disciplines 

Trimester 3

Improvising simple rhythmic variations and melodic embellishments on familiar melodies

Composing melodic variations or short original melodies based on specified parameters

Describing music and identifying melody, rhythm, harmony, and timbre using age appropriate vocabulary

Identifying simple musical forms

Identifying and classifying timbres using specified categories

Evaluate using age-appropriate music vocabulary to critique music

Evaluate using appropriate music vocabulary to identify aesthetic qualities in music and explain personal preferences for a specific musical composition

Grade 5 Music Curriculum Documents